Good to see your name pop up. I know you’ve had a rough time and it sounds like it’s not over yet.
I so empathise with the healthcare issues – we have a govt here that is desperate to emulate the very worst of US healthcare in order – presumably – to make mega bucks for those who already have more than they could spend in a lifetime. They are chaotically running the NHS into the ground while the rabid tabloid media stirs people up to blame the healthcare workers themselves (who are leaving in droves). A friend in hospital (broken hip but caught covid while in there) reported that they’re so short-staffed the doctors were bringing their meals round.
There are sparks of hope within the darkness. I see reports of robust fightbacks from your neck of the woods, and we have some campaign groups over here doing sterling work to keep govts to account and shine a spotlight on what is really happening.
Your photos, as ever, are inspiring. Amazed at that doe! It’s larger than the biggest stags we get round here.
Huge best wishes to you and Ben for a positive turn.