InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbI Wish I Was In Montrose Next WeekendCelebrating Books & ReadingNov 9, 20241Nov 9, 20241
InILLUMINATIONbyPenny GrubbMystery Revealed At The Book LaunchDuring an interview being recorded for the launch of Death By Column Inches, I related the story of exploring an abandoned underground maze…Nov 4, 20233Nov 4, 20233
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbA Shout Out for the Artists Behind FantastiCon — Gabi GrubbThe work of many artists goes into the book covers, games and cards that have been on display at the FantastiCon convention since 2014…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbDrew Wagar — controversy and action!As anyone who knows him will attest, all double-dealing, violence and fraud in the life of best-selling author Drew Wagar occurs strictly…Mar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
InFeediumbyPenny GrubbAll The Video Links For MABLE 2023Massive Autumn Book Launch Event 2023 From Fantastic Books PublishingSep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbIt’s Never Too Late — Debut Author at 84Artist Ken Reah wrote his first novel when he was in his 80s. It was published when he was 84.Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbIt’s Never Too Late — Debut Author at 79Author William Golding, in the days before his knighthood and Nobel Prize, used to entertain audiences with a desert island story very…Apr 7, 20213Apr 7, 20213
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbThe Charity Anthologies — Giving ForwardFantastic Books Publishing was launched in April 2012 with a flurry of events, including competitions. One of these was a science fiction…Apr 10, 20211Apr 10, 20211
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbSci-Fi Anthology’s Journey from Spooky to AirborneIf you were guessing the location for the birth of a set of ideas from clues like these: a cat on a starship, faster than light travel, a…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbA Shout Out for the Artists Behind FantastiCon - Ramon MarettArtist, designer, writer and general creative giant Ramon Marett created the cover for the book he co-wrote with his brother Simon. The…May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbA Shout Out for the Artists Behind FantastiCon - Paula MurphyQuality cover art for quality fictionJul 23, 2021Jul 23, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbA Shout Out for the Artists Behind FantastiCon - B DziokBartlomiej (B) Dziok is a digital and multimedia artist who created all the artwork for the board game, The Gorgon’s Loch, including the…Mar 24, 20211Mar 24, 20211
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbA Shout Out for the Artists Behind FantastiCon — Jolanta DziokJolanta (Jola) Dziok is an oil and acrylic artist based in Jaslo, Poland. She receives regular commissions for her depictions of religious…Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
InRecycledbyPenny GrubbTaking Charge of the Store Fundamentally Changed my Relationship with BooksOnce a year, from 2014, I have stopped being a crime writer and become a bookstore manager, selling every genre under the sun. From the…May 20, 2021May 20, 2021
InThe Stories Behind FantastiConbyPenny GrubbThe late great Alan Wakeman, a reluctant revolutionary who changed many livesAlan Wakeman, writer, playwright, gay rights activist, the man who changed the way the world learns English and who gave us vegan cookery…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Penny GrubbNavigating the Stories Behind FantastiConRETURN TO FANTASTICON STORIES HOME PAGEApr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
InFlint and SteelbyPenny GrubbUnbelievable! I Turn My Back For Five Minutes…And a whole new crop of books pops up!Sep 17, 20223Sep 17, 20223
InFlint and SteelbyPenny GrubbPenny Ponders On Dread Cold“Here comes the fear!”Aug 1, 20221Aug 1, 20221
InFlint and SteelbyPenny GrubbMelodie Muses On A Modern Shipwreck(this is NOT a children’s book)Jul 30, 20221Jul 30, 20221
InFlint and SteelbyPenny GrubbMelodie Muses On A Very Old Bull & Other AnimalsPerilaus II by Mark P Henderson is a psychological crime drama that will whisk you along into what one reviewer called a psychiatrist’s…Jul 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022