InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbWishing For Pigeons? No ThanksWhoever deemed columba livia domestica, the common pigeon, to be a symbol of peace, either never encountered one or had a warped sense of…Dec 22, 20249Dec 22, 20249
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbThe Air Fryer — An Unexpected BonusWe finally bought an air fryer. I was determined it would not be crammed in a corner “for now”. Whenever you do that with a thing, the…Dec 14, 20246Dec 14, 20246
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbTidying My Desk Isn’t Even On The List YetMy to-do list is getting out of hand. It is close to Christmas and not the time to let things slide.Dec 7, 202412Dec 7, 202412
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbThe Things We Do For Adventure!The short video linked here is of Gunshot river crossing on the “old tele track”.Nov 20, 202411Nov 20, 202411
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbPaws For Healing HeartsPaws for Healing Hearts by Honey Stone (pseudonym of Cuppa contributor, Susan Alison) is a small-town romance that seamlessly blends love…Aug 31, 20245Aug 31, 20245
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbHoney’s Eternal Shelf LifeHoney made by honeybees will stay good forever — as long as it is sealed.Aug 29, 20247Aug 29, 20247
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbLife’s EssentialsI read Katie Michaelson’s It’s-Dump-Your-Bag-Day post with interest. Her bag contains essential oil. Mine should too. But some years ago, I…Jul 6, 202410Jul 6, 202410
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbA Sign Of Age Or A Sign Of Sanity?TV adverts currently abound for shingles vaccines and imply that I might be eligible. I’m old enough to have had chicken pox when small. I…Mar 29, 20247Mar 29, 20247
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbDownton Abbey Stir-FryAfter a busy day, I was hungry and looking forward to a robust stir-fry. Then disaster! Downton Abbey was starting earlier than yesterday…Jan 31, 202413Jan 31, 202413
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbI Found the Crispbread Recipe!Thanks to Kris Bedenian for prompting me to remember the crispbread recipe.Jan 23, 20246Jan 23, 20246
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbChannelling Bill Bryson: Best Card Of 2023In 2023, channelling Bill Bryson’s Notes From A Small Island, a friend of ours travelled the coast of England and Wales using public…Dec 27, 20235Dec 27, 20235
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbQuaint & Quirky — The QuinceIt is a fruit packed with nutrients, but when it comes to releasing them the quince does not make it as easy as its pome cousins the apple…Oct 24, 20237Oct 24, 20237
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbThe Ocean Cleanup — Both Horrifying & Heart WarmingA huge amount of plastic evades recycling systems, makes its way into rivers and thence to the oceans — millions of tons every year. A…Oct 11, 20239Oct 11, 20239
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbHow Not To Waste Surplus BananasI love bananas and just read an article that inspired me to share this tip.Aug 4, 20236Aug 4, 20236
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbHands Off My Favourite Cup!When I read the headline on Jan Sebastian 🖐👩🦰’s article on coffee cups, I felt my eyes narrow. “Crazy” cups?? Nooo! Coffee’s a serious…Jun 3, 202310Jun 3, 202310
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbBet You Underestimate These Daisies!What does this picture say to you? If it says dozens of flowers, you’re way out; there are thousands. Each daisy petal is an individual…May 31, 20237May 31, 20237
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyPenny GrubbDon’t Underestimate The Colour PurpleIt Heals, It calms, It Sustains, And Just Once It DisappointsMay 30, 20237May 30, 20237
InThe Daily CuppabyPenny GrubbMy Latest Venture Into AIAfter my first attempt with AI, I lowered my sights and tried voice recognition.Apr 11, 20237Apr 11, 20237
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyPenny GrubbSo What Can This Modern AI Actually Do?As related to elderly hens the result surprised meApr 5, 20237Apr 5, 20237
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyPenny GrubbFurther Health Benefits from Indoor Plants — Who knew? Not MeRecuperate faster from illness and surgeryMar 28, 20236Mar 28, 20236