So pleased to see you put that front and centre. I have been very annoyed when mainstream media (who should know better) have referred to the riots being "sparked by the stabbings". It so clearly was not the case. The deaths of those little girls sparked mainly deep sorrow, it was the deliberate lies that, as you say, fuelled the far right.
The mother of one of the victims is herself an immigrant - she could barely feel worse but that is deliberate salt in the wound.
The young boy who killed them had years of mental health issues behind him, and years of his family trying to get proper help and care. A doctor who treated him some years ago is quoted as saying at the time that if he didn't get proper help he could go on to kill someone.
Of course, our health service has been under serious attack for at least a decade and mental health services are one of the worst hit sectors (little money to be made for private pockets).